KWC PROFESSIONAL CNTX70G,CONTINA Foldable Grab Rail with Flushing Button
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€ 1,100.94
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Product information KWC PROFESSIONAL CNTX70G,CONTINA Foldable Grab Rail with Flushing Button
Foldable grab rail with flushing button for wall mounting, stainless steel, surface satin finished, rough polishing for better surface feel, 32 mm pipe diameter, material thickness 1.2 mm, integrated toilet roll holder, pneumatic flush button in front area, flush button optional on right or left side, prevention against unmeant folding, gum rubber stop absorber, inspected and certified product, 4 mm thick mounting plate with three fixing holes, included flushing mechanism contains 2 m pneumatic tube and set for assembling to Geberit cistern, includes stainless steel screws and dowels.
Dimensions 100 x 250 x 850 mm (W x H x D)
- Item no.: 8102030040945
- Series: CONTINA
- Model No.: CNTX70G
- Material: Stainless steel
- Finish: Brushed
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