Water-saving, hygienic, functional
IQ sink faucet - water saver is always a good choice. Thanks to dual infrared sensors, this faucet only starts working as soon as it is touched, with the digital microelectronics initiating the water flow immediately, so that water is tapped only when needed. Choose from Click-function buttons without additional functions or Click-plus with additional functions for even more appeal.

U28 – Modern design for the highest demands
The U28 is a hygienic, water-saving solution for any urinal, both in public places and restaurant washrooms. Robust and vandal-resistant, it complements the successful series of lino urinal flush valves. It is available in two versions: mains- or battery-powered.

Where can I find these products in the CitroenAir webshop?
You can find our products in our webshop here.
Webshop CitroenAirWhere can I find the technical drawings of the products?
These can be found with the products on our webshop under Documents. If your document is not listed please contact customer service at orderdesk@citroenair.eu
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About CONTI+
Conti+ is a German company specializing in the production of high-quality sanitary products and systems. The company was founded in... Read more »