Convenience and style
This range of products adds convenience and style to any restroom or cubicle. With contemporary styling and common design elements such as coordinated threads and rod diameters. Available in satin and polished stainless steel.


Where can I find these products in the CitroenAir webshop?
You can find our products in our webshop here.
Webshop CitroenAirDoes CitroenAir also sell the refills?
Here you can order the refills on our webshop.
Webshop CitroenAir RefillsWhere can I find the technical drawings of the products?
These can be found with the products on our webshop under Documents. If your document is not listed please contact customer service at orderdesk@citroenair.eu
ProductsRequest a quote
Would you like advice on a collection and its possibilities? Send an e-mail to quotes@citroenair.eu with your questions and wishes. Our sanitary experts will be happy to help you.
Prefer immediate contact? Then visit our contact page for the possibilities.

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